If you look up how to make a will right now, you’ll likely come across several free and paid sites that can make you a will in a matter of minutes. These programs often advertise quick and easy wills that cover everything you need – but, that’s often far from the truth.
Many issues can arise when making a do-it-yourself (DIY) estate plan online, which could cause probate issues and family trouble. Here’s what you should know:
You get what you pay for
There are more DIY estate plan services than you can count on both hands. These programs often promise an easier time making your estate plan with them, without needing the help of an attorney and at an affordable rate.
Online estate planners may look like it can save you time and money, however, what you pay for is often what you get and may cost you more in the long run. Even a minor issue in a will could create large problems for you and your family. Many DIY estate planning services are scattered with typos and inconsistencies, may miss key documents and end up causing people to make invalid wills and trusts.
If your estate plan isn’t valid, it could cause a lengthy will or trust dispute after you pass away. While you’re alive, if your will isn’t correctly made and you need a power of attorney to step in, they may not be able to because of a typo in your will, which could cost you your life.
Additionally, wills and trust are often tailor-made for each person. A DIY estate planner may only be able to provide you with a general will and trust that lacks crucial details about your estate. Many people don’t realize that they leave behind a digital estate which may not be covered by an online estate planning service.
Finding the legal help you need to make your estate plan could make a great difference. Your estate plan needs the keen eye of someone who can ensure your will and trust is valid.